To eclipse is to surpass, surmount, and transcend
How did Eclipse come to be?
Calgary Psychologist, Laura Coulombe, is the founder of Eclipse Psychology. Born and raised in Edmonton, she knew she wanted to eventually make the transition to Calgary to be closer to the mountains. Laura finds being in nature and near the mountains to be extremely grounding and revitalizing. She also knew that she always wanted to create a safe, non-judgmental space for healing that aligned with her values. Through her experience at various agencies and psychological practices, Laura has learned what works for clients and therapists; as such, she tries to emulate these core values in all areas of the practice.
Moving from the darkness towards the light
An eclipse signifies the event where the moon moves into the Earth's shadow, illuminating it from darkness. That is the goal here; to shine light onto the darkest aspects of self which allows for deeper healing. Through the understanding of the root of your current symptoms, we will help you overcome whatever is getting in the way of living your best, and healthiest life. Whether that might be childhood experiences (such as abuse, neglect, or bullying) or negative beliefs about self (such as not good enough or not worthy), or painful and harmful relationships, we want to help you understand the feelings and mechanisms underneath your surface level symptoms such as anxiety, depression, shame, fear, etc., to allow you space for processing and healing, to eventually surmount and transcend your barriers and hurdles.